Partial Component
This pattern is used to create a component that can be used as a partial component in other components. This pattern is useful when you have a component that is used in multiple places in your application, and you want to avoid duplicating the code for that component.
Example :
Hello World
How to use :
import React from "react";
export const Label = ({ color, size }: { color: string, size: string }) => {
return (
<p style={{ color: color, fontSize: size }}>Hello World</p>
export const partialComponent = (Component: React.FC, partialProps: any) => {
return (props: any) => {
return <Component {...partialProps} {...props} />;
const RedTitle = partialComponent(Label, { color: "red" });
export const DemoPartialComponent = () => {
return <RedTitle size="20px" />;